Tenuta dell'Ornellaia Le Serre Nuove 2019 Magnum
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Privacy policy


This page describes how to manage the site in relation to the users personal data processing.

This notice is in accordance with the art. 13 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003 - Code on personal data protection for users of the online wine shop website Enoteca Fresco di Vigna for the protection of personal data accessible by electronic means on the https://www.frescodivigna.com, corresponding to the homepage of the official website Fresco di Vigna.

This privacy policy is only for the website Fresco di Vigna and do not cover all the other websites links consulted by the users.

This policy is based also on the Recommendation n. 2/2001 that, the European authorities for the personal data protection, clustered in the Group established by the art. 29 of the Directive n. 95/46/CE, adopted on May 17th 2001 to establish some minimum standards for the collection of personal data online and, in particular, the manners, timing and nature of the information which data controllers have to provide to the users when they access to web pages, regardless of the aim of the connection.

Data Controller

After the consultation of this website some data on identified or identifiable users can be processed.

The data controller is the owner of the wine shop Fresco di Vigna, Domenico Urso, located in Piazza Risorgimento, 16 - 93017 San Cataldo (CL - Sicily - Italy). The data will be treated externally also by Advision S.r.l.U., Corso San Martino 1, 10122, Turin – VAT number IT10351260012.

Site of data processing

The usage of the data of this website remains in the same site stated above Fresco di Vigna, Via Stazione, 1 bis - 93017 San Cataldo (CL). Data are used solely by the owner or sometimes by its employees charged to do maintenance works.

We will never disclose your personal data to anyone else.

The personal data provided by users who request by e-mail general information, newsletter, registrations etc., are used only for the purpose of the request and are not disclosed to third parties.

Types of information collected


The IT systems and software used by this website may collect some personal data whose transmission is generated automatically by the use of Internet protocols.

This kind of information are not collected to identify people, but they could allow it if associated to other data owned by third parties.

This kind of data includes IP addresses or the domains of the computer used by the users of the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses, the time of the request, the method used to send the request to the server, the file dimension, the number code given by the sever ( confirmation or error) and other parameters about the operative system and IT field of the user.

These data are used only for anonymous statistics about the use of the website and to check the correct functioning, in fact, after that they are cancelled. The data can also be used to identify somebody in case of IT offence to the website. Except this case, data on the web are only for seven days.


The optional, explicit and voluntary email sent to the addresses on this website involve the registration of the user address necessary to reply to his requests, but also of other personal data specified in his request.

Specific information of review will be displayed in the website pages used for precise services upon request.

Conferring Optional Personal Data

Except to the internet data stated above, the user is free to provide personal data in the emails sent to the wine shop Fresco di Vigna or provided on the phone to the owner to ask for general information or other news.

The lack of personal data, however, can be a problem to reply to the requests.

It is important to remember that in some cases (not in the ordinary management of this site) the authority may request information under the art 157 Legislative Decree n. 196/2003, to check the usage of personal data. In these cases, the reply is mandatory to avoid an administrative fine.

Methods of data processing

Personal data are collected only for the necessary period to achieve the aims for what they have been collected and will be used for the following purposes:

  1. purposes related to the implementation of the communications;
  2. purposes functional to the activity of Fresco di Vigna, included the dispatch of general information about the wine shop;
  3. functional purposes in compliance with the rules provided by laws, decrees, regulations and/or similar acts and EU rules;
  4. purposes functional to the management of customer, suppliers and banks relations... .

The data processing will be based on the fairness, legality and transparency principles and it will happen, in accordance with the above mentioned law, in compliance with the confidentiality and protection of customer's rights.

We undertake to not disclose, spread or sell any information about our customers and our website users for trade purposes.

Specific security measures are taken to prevent the loss of data, illicit and incorrect uses and not authorized accesses.

Rights of interested parties

The interested parties have the right to request anytime the confirmation of the existence or not of their personal data and to know about the content and the origin of it, verify its accuracy or even request any integration, updating or rectification (art. 7 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003).

According to this article people can have the right to request the cancellation, the change into anonymous form or the block of data in case of violation of the law, and also they can oppose in any case for legitimate reasons, to their use.

Requests should be addressed to the Guarantor.

INFORMATION ON EXTENDED COOKIE (Disclosure pursuant to Art. 13 Legislative Decree. June 30, 2003 No. 196)

The Guarantor for the protection of personal data published in the Official Gazette on June 3, 2014, the measure Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies, and identify the responsibility of "publishers" and "third party" with respect to these obligations (order no. 229 of 8 May 2014).


A "cookie" is a text file that websites send to the visitor's computer to uniquely identify the browser of the visitor himself or to save information or settings in your browser. When the user returns to revisit the site this information can be retrieved. While browsing a site, you can get on to their terminals cookie also sites other than the one they are visiting ("third parties"); This can happen because the website you are visiting may also include items such as, statistics, chat, pictures, maps, etc .. that reside on servers other than the one you are visiting.


  • Technical cookies: they are of 2 types;
    • Persistent:  once closed the browser are not destroyed but remain up to a preset expiration date;
    • Session:  are destroyed every time the browser is closed, are used only to keep track of the user's session while browsing allowing, for example, to make a purchase or to authenticate to access restricted areas.
  • Analytical cookies: They statistical purposes and are treated as technicians cookies, collect information, in the aggregate, on the accesses and the number of users and how they use the site.
  • Cookie functional are those that store, in order to improve the service, some user preferences such as language, products selected for purchase etc.
  • Cookie profiling: the aim is to create profiles on the user and then show while browsing the network advertising in line with the preferences expressed by the user.


  • Cookie technicians who are treated well, cookies navigation, cookies and cookies analytics capabilities, for which there is no consensus required, subject to the requirement of information relating to their use;
  • Cookie profiling. For this type of cookie is required for their installation, in addition to information also your consent. With regard to cookies profiling the "publishers" have to make available to users when they log on to the home page or other page of the site, a short information about the use of profiling cookie containing a link that allows access even to more detailed information, including, if also present information about the third-party cookies. It will be apparent from the text of the communication that the continuation of navigation constitutes consent to use cookies.


  • The site uses cookies technicians who are essential to the functionality of the site. These cookies are not stored in the user's computer but in the memory of the browser for the only time of the session of site navigation.
  • The website uses cookies of Profiling platform of Google Adsense. It is therefore useful to know that:
    • The third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on the user's previous visits to the website;
    • Using the DoubleClick cookie enables Google and its partners to serve ads to users based on their visit to your sites and / or to other Internet sites;
    • Cookies from other vendors or third-party advertising networks could be used to serve ads.
  • The site includes external components, such as maps, statistics, social icons and therefore could be used third-party cookies, following are links to the relevant policy. This site has no control over the cookies that are used by third parties, which have their own privacy policy which may be different from the one adopted by this site.



Continuing Navigation Site agree the use of cookies listed


The majority of navigation software / browsers allow you to erase cookies on the hard drive of your computer or even to change the settings with the ability to block acceptance of cookies, however, point out that too strict settings with the majority of sites modern will not be able to function properly .


This page is always accessed via the link Conditions and Privacyat the bottom of every page of the site.

Right to access to personal data and other rights

  1. The interested party has the right to request confirmation of the existence or not of his personal data, even if they have not been recorded yet, and their communication in a intelligible way.
  2. The interested party has the right to have information:

    a) about the origin of personal data;

    b) about the data processing purposes and methods;

    c) about the applied logic in case of data processing with the use of electronic means;

    d) about the owner identity and the representatives appointed under the art. 5, paragraph 2;

    e) about people or categories of people such as managers, agents or representative designated in the State to whom personal data can be communicated.

  3. The interested party has the right to have:

    a) the updating, rectification or integration of data, if necessary;

    b) the cancellation, the change into anonymous form or the block of data in case of violation of the law, included those data which is not necessary the storage;

    c) confirmation that the above operations in letters a) and b) have been notified to those who data have been communicated or disseminated, except when it results impossible or involves a use of means clearly disproportionate to the protected right.

  4. The interested party has the right to oppose, entirely or partially:

    a) for legitimate reasons, to the personal data processing and to those pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

    b) to the personal data processing for advertisement, direct selling, market researches or trade communication.

Art. 13. Informative

  1. The interested party whose personal data are collected is previously informed orally or written about:

    a) the data processing purposes and methods;

    b) the compulsory or optional data;

    c) the consequence of a possible refusal to reply;

    d) people or categories of people such as managers or representative to whom personal data can be communicated;

    e) the rights referred to art. 7;

    f) The identity of the owner, and if designated, of the representative of the State under the art. 5, and of the manager. When the owner has designated many managers, at least one of them, has to be notified showing the way how to communicate with him or the way to check the updated list of the managers.

  2. The informative in the 1st paragraph includes also some elements foreseen by some specific provisions of this code and may not include elements already known to the person who provides information or that can concretely hinder the performance, by a public body, of inspection or control carried out for purposes of defense or State security, prevention, detection or repression of offenses.
  3. The Guarantor can issue simplified provisions for information provided by telephone assistance or customer information.
  4. If personal data are not collected from the person concerned, the information referred to 1st paragraph, including the categories of data processed, is given to the interested party upon data registration or, when their communication is envisaged, not after the first communication.
  5. The provision in paragraph 4 shall not apply if:

    a) data are used according to an obligation foreseen by the law, the regulation or EU legislation;

    b) data are processed for defence purposes according to the law of 7th December 2000, n. 397, or to assert and defend a legal claim, only if data are processed for these purposes and for the period necessary for their achievement;

    c) The informative to the interested party requires the use of means that the Guarantor, prescribing any appropriate measures, declares clearly out of proportion to the protected right, or according to the Guarantor is even impossible.